Raising The Chicks
This page is dedicated to the hardest workers on our farm!!

At Woodruff Heritage Farm, we raise mainly egg layers for supply our farm fresh egg customers.  Our flocks all free range and are guarded night & day by a pair of beautiful Great Pyrenees watch dogs.
Don't let their smiling faces fool your though as they are affectionately know as our "coyote killers".  While we have had our time with a sneaky bob cat from time-to-time, they have yet to lose a single chicken or turkey to any other preditor - including "bad birds" (hawks and other raptors).
Raising and Protecting Chickens
At Woodruff Heritage Farm, we raise mainly egg layers for supply our farm fresh egg customers.  Our flocks all free range and consist mainly of production Leghorns, Welsummers, Red Stars, Ameracaunas, and Easter Eggers.
Our flocks are guarded night & day by a pair of beautiful Great Pyrenees watch dogs.  Don't let their smiling faces fool your though as they are affectionately know as our "coyote killers".  While we have had our time with a sneaky bob cat from time-to-time, they have yet to lose a single chicken or turkey to any other preditor - including "bad birds" (hawks and other raptors).
At a very young age, they naturally took responsibility for guarding their flocks.  It is because of their dillegence, that we are able to let our birds run free and offer you the freshest free range eggs possible.

This page is dedicated to the hardest workers on our farm!!